Wednesday, October 7, 2009


DAY 37: Furry Critter Success! Crosby and I rode out to Gartside Reservoir, and just as we came in sight of the picnic area, a squirrel ran across the path up ahead of us. Crosby saw it, too. Crosby perked right up, watched it carefully, but stayed right by me! Crosby was not "at hock" at the time - he was "at rest", and basically had been given permission by me to run at will, but I was trotting the horse,and Crosby tends to fall into "hock" whenever I trot.

He was such a good boy not to chase the squirrel right off, that I gave him a treat. Then I slowed the horse to a walk, and again commanded "Rest", telling Crosby he could run. Crosby left my side immediately then to search for the scent of the squirrel. He had obviously found it, and was about 50 or 60 feet away from me, firmly tracking the scent of the squirrel, when I called, "Crosby, HOCK". Crosby returned to my side immediately, leaving the track of the squirrel! YEAH CROSBY! FURRY CRITTTER SUCCESS!!

I am still feeding treats generously. Current treats are deer jerky. Crosby still wears a choke collar with a tab (piece of rope hanging down), but other than that, he is off-leash.

Weather was bad. Cold and windy. It started to rain on us at one point, but the rain was light. Crosby was not bothered by any of it. Once the rain started, we kept moving to keep warm. I did stop at one point in the really bad weather to practice a sit-stay. Crosby wanted to move every time the horse fidgeted. I was riding Pate today (different horse), so that was good practice, but Pate does not stand still very well for the stay, so this is also good practice for Crosby. We had a good practice! And great responses! Mileage: about 5.

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